InDesign Scripts
Batch Export
Export a folder of InDesign documents to a variety of file formats.
- Export PDF interactive or print
- Option to update links and save
- Option to include subfolders
- Add suffix to output file names
Bleed Alert And Fix
Fix bleed in InDesign documents.
- Specify bleed and distance from edge
- Reveal all cases of faulty bleed
- Confirm each change, undo, or skip
Change Letter Case
Change matching text to uppercase, lowercase, title case, or sentence case.
- Match with GREP
- Match by character style
- Match by paragraph style
- Adapt open source to customize or create other scripts
Change Overprint InDesign
Change the overprint of all elements, selected elements, or all on a selected layer.
- Change fill or stroke or both
- Set overprint on or off
- Adapt open source to customize or create other scripts
Color Layer Items InDesign
Change the color or overprint of all elements on a selected layer.
- Change fill or stroke color, or leave either unchanged
- Set overprint on or off, or leave unchanged
Cutter Marks Pro InDesign
Pro version of the script Cutter Reg Marks InDesign adds options for mark shape, swatch both fill or stroke, saved settings, and more.
- Choose layer for marks, or create it
- Choose swatch for marks, or create it
- Separate swatch fill and stroke, process or spot
- Specify mark size and shape round or square
- Alter position of fifth, odd dot
Cutter Reg Marks InDesign
Add registration marks (dots) for flatbed cutting plotters.
- Choose layer for marks, or create it
- Specify offset from page edge, or layer content
Data Merge Export
Add a merge field for full path and file name and the script uses the column to export each record. Not limited to PDF format.
- Name each output file by column in merge data
- Each record saved to a unique location and/or file name
- Export JPG, PDF (interactive or print), or PNG
Dimensions InDesign
Specify dimensions and other properties of selected elements.
- Element dimensions, each selected or combined
- Measure selected text
- Distance between elements
- Includes scale option
- Corner radius
- Corner and rotation angles
Export Layers
Export a separate image or PDF of each layer used on each page of a document.
- Size to page or contents only
- Configure file naming
- Export JPG, PDF (interactive or print), or PNG
Export Named Pages
Export pages each with unique file name based on page content.
- Name by paragraph style or character style
- Name by image, stacking order or object style
- Prefix and suffix using variable placeholders
- Export JPG, PDF (interactive or print), or PNG
Find Change CSV Multi Doc
Find/change text, GREP, or styles in multiple InDesign documents.
- Find/Change across multiple documents
- Find/Change character and paragraph styles
- Match whole words only
- Keep capitalization when case insensitive
Find Change From Spreadsheet
Search and replace multiple text changes in one operation.
- Find/Change text or GREP patterns
- Find/Change character and paragraph styles
- Keep capitalization when case insensitive
- Confirm each change
Get Font Names
The script reads the application font collection and saves a CSV file with each font name, PostScript name, and name used in script code.
- Script works in multiple Adobe apps
- Identifies font names for ExtendScript
- Adapt open source to customize or create other scripts
Headshot Layout
Automate completion of “headshot” layouts of people's portraits and their names.
- Automate placing images and text
- Keep text with relevant image
Image Names
Label placed graphics with their file names.
- Select layers for images and text frames
- Images and text can be on same layer
- Run again to replace text labels
Label Graphic Links
Add a label to placed graphics that lists the file name.
- Label all graphics or a selected graphic
- Choose layer, paragraph style, and object style
- Adapt open source to customize or create other scripts
Layers Rename From CSV
Rename layers from spreadsheet data of find/change pairs.
- Change the name of any number of layers
- Layers not in CSV are untouched
- Save current layer names as CSV to prepare
Layers To Photoshop
Export InDesign layers to Photoshop.
- Process the active document
- Process open documents or a folder of documents
- Export all pages or a range
- Layers as Smart Objects or rasterize
Links GREP Relink
Use GREP to replace links of placed graphics.
- Replace links using GREP pattern replacement
- Option to ignore letter case
- Specify folder to search for links
- Adapt open source to customize or create other scripts
Links GREP Rename
Use GREP to rename links of placed graphics.
- Rename links and update using GREP pattern replacement
- Option to ignore letter case
- Adapt open source to customize or create other scripts
Links Move Unused
Move graphic files not used to a selected folder.
- Examines links placed in the active document, a book file, or a folder of documents
- Works with Mac and Windows
- Uses system to move files, rather than copy and delete
- All properties of moved files are preserved (modification time, etc.)
- Also moves matching dotbar files on servers that split Mac resource and data forks
Links Relink Subfolders
Search a folder and all subfolders below it for missing links and update all.
- Process the active document
- Process open documents or a folder of documents
- Update graphic links buried in subfolders
- Specify folder to search for graphic links
- Alerts user when multiple files the same name
Links Remove Number Prefix
Rename and update links to remove number prefix from filenames.
- Remove number prefix from filenames and update links
- Adapt open source to customize or create other scripts
Links Rename Add Page Number
Rename and relink all placed graphics or selected file types to add the page number on which each graphic is placed.
- Page numbers as prefix or suffix
- All links or selected extensions
- Adapt open source to customize or create other scripts
Links Rename From CSV
Adobe script renames placed graphics based on values from CSV file.
- Rename links using regular expressions
- Process one, all open, or a folder of documents
- Option to ignore letter case
Links Rename Selected
Rename and update selected link.
- Ensures the new name does not already exist
- Adapt open source to customize or create other scripts
Links Rename Web Or Ebook
Rename and update links to names better suited to website and e-book programming.
- Rename links and update
- Adapt open source to customize or create other scripts
Links Report
Generate details of graphics placed in an open document, book, or folder of InDesign documents.
- Option to include documents in subfolders
- Include color space (RGB, CMYK, Gray, 1-bit B&W)
- Include effective PPI and pixel dimensions
- Include Alt Text
- Detects files of same name linked to different paths
- Generate comma-separated values or tab-delimited text
- Options to output JSON or XML
Links Shorten Filenames
Rename links to shorter filenames and update.
- Truncate filenames to specified maximum and update links
- Auto-resolves duplicate filenames
- Adapt open source to customize or create other scripts
Override Parent Pages
Override all parent page elements on every page of a document.
- Override all parent pages or a single parent page
- Override all layers or a single layer
- Option to resolve text marker 'Current Page Number'
- Option to remove parent page items overridden
Package Pages
InDesign script packages a document to single pages, or to groups of a specified number of pages.
- All package options
- Package in groups of any number of pages
- Package in specified page ranges
Page Dimensions
Specify dimensions of live area, page size, spread (trim), and bleed.
- Specify any page area or all
- Position any side or all
- Dimensions added to pasteboard or on page
- Live area get from each page or use document setup for all
- Omit redundant dimensions
Pages From CSV
Create a document of multiple pages each a different size.
- Choose ruler units for the document and pages
- Option to add page ID
- Adapt open source to customize or create other scripts
PDF Export Folder
Batch export a folder of InDesign documents to PDF.
- Option to include subfolders
- Export using any PDF Preset
- Option to add suffix to output file names
- Option to replace existing output files.
- Adapt open source to customize or create other scripts
PDF Export Single Pages
Export an InDesign document to single-page PDFs.
- Page labels at the beginning or end of output file names
- Absolute (document) numbering or by section
- Set minimum digits to prefix section and page labels
- Preview output file name before proceeding
- Export all pages, a single page, or any range or ranges of pages
- Export using any PDF Preset
- Immediate or background export
PDF Place And Export
Create documents, place PDF pages, and export new PDFs.
- Process a single PDF or an entire folder of PDFs
- Creates an InDesign document sized to match input PDF
- Option to include bleed
- If facing pages, resolves overlapping bleeds in the spine
- Convert a PDF in reader spreads back to single pages
- Convert a PDF in printer spreads back to single pages
- Create printer spreads
- Option to add spine effect
- Export a new PDF using any PDF preset
PDF Printer Spreads
Place PDF pages into an InDesign document and arrange the pages as printer spreads.
- Creates an InDesign document sized to match input PDF
- Option to include bleed
- Resolves overlapping bleeds in the spine
- Create printer spreads
- Signatures nested or stack
PDF Proof
Export a PDF proof of an InDesign document.
- Choice of resolution
- Pages or spreads
- Adds suffix “_proof” to PDF file name
- Replaces spaces with underscores to make file name web-friendly
- Adapt open source to customize or create other scripts
PDF Unspread
Place a PDF in reader spreads or printer spreads into an InDesign document and split the spreads apart, back to single pages.
- Creates an InDesign document sized to match input PDF
- Option to include bleed
- Convert a PDF in printer spreads back to single pages
- Convert a PDF in reader spreads back to single pages
Printer Spreads
Arrange document pages into printer spreads.
- Overrides parent pages
- Clears pasteboard and all guides
- Merges all layers
- Merges all pages to a single section
Replace Parent Page
Replace all assignments of one parent page with another.
- Choose from list of parent pages
- Option to delete replaced page
- Adapt open source to customize or create other scripts
Resolve Overset Text
Fix overset text in InDesign documents.
- Make visible all overset text in a document
- Delete all overset text
- Adapt open source to customize or create other scripts
Sort Pages
The script sorts document pages based on text on each page assigned a selected paragraph or character style.
- Select paragraph or character style to find
- Pages are sorted by text assigned the style
- Adapt open source to customize or create other scripts
Step And Repeat
Repeats an image, PDF page, or masked group on each page of an InDesign document.
- Include gutters
- Specify bleed
- Add trim marks
Style Characters
Apply character styles to imported text set to bold or italic, etc.
- Find common font styling and apply character style
- Creates character styles if needed
Swatch Names
Label color patches with swatch names.
- Select layers for patches and text frames
- Patches and text can be on same layer
Text Cleanup
Clean up common text problems.
- Reduce multiple spaces or tabs to one
- Change double hyphens to em or en dash
- Fix foot and inch marks
- Remove empty paragraphs
- Remove forced line breaks
- Remove excess at end of paragraphs and stories
- And more...
Upscale Images
Fix low-res images in InDesign documents.
- Specify minimum resolution
- Upscale original images or renamed copies
- Uses Photoshop Preserve Details 2.0
Varnish Images
Create varnish elements for all images.
- Varnish images in rectangular frames
- Varnish images masked using clipping paths
- Varnish images masked using transparency
- Create varnish version of images if needed
- Option to include pasted graphics
Varnish Maker
Create varnish elements for selection, page, or spread.
- Varnish selection, page, or spread
- Recognizes images masked using clipping paths
- Recognizes images masked using transparency
- Create varnish version of images if needed
- Varnish text
Web Prep
Prepare documents for HTML output to web or e-books.
- Remove zero-width characters
- Remove forced line breaks
- Remove column/frame/page breaks
- Change tabs to spaces
- Remove excess spaces
- Remove excess at end of paragraphs and stories
- Remove empty paragraphs
- Remove forced capitalization/change letter case
- And more...
For help installing scripts, see How to Install and Use Scripts in Adobe Creative Cloud Applications.
IMPORTANT: scripts are developed for the latest Adobe Creative Cloud applications. Many scripts work in CC 2018 and later, even some as far back as CS6, but may not perform as expected, or run at all, when used in versions prior to 2018. Photoshop features Select Subject and Preserve Details 2.0 definitely fail prior to CC 2018 (version 19) as the features do not exist in earlier versions. For best results use the latest versions of Adobe Creative Cloud applications.
IMPORTANT: by downloading any of the scripts on this page you agree that the software is provided without any warranty, express or implied. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Always make backups of important data.
IMPORTANT: fees paid for software products are the purchase of a non-exclusive license to use the software product and do not grant the purchaser any degree of ownership of the software code. Author of the intellectual property and copyright holder William Campbell retains 100% ownership of all code used in all software products regardless of the inspiration for the software product design or functionality.