Mars Premedia Privacy Policy
Updated October 16, 2023
Your personal information provided to Mars Premedia is used strictly to interact with you. All of your contact information that we store, including, but not limited to, email address, telephone number, and address, details of any purchases, and the content of any communications between us, are confidential and are not shared with any third party.
All software products offered by Mar Premedia, whether free downloads from this site or purchased products downloaded from our fulfillment partner, do not communicate with the outside world. Values entered into script interfaces, and script options preserved as "Saved Settings", are stored on the user’s local computer and are never transmitted to Mars Premedia or any third party.
Files uploaded to Mars Premedia for any purpose are the exclusive property of the customer or user (the uploader) and are never shared with any third party. Files submitted may be stored for a period of time as a convenience to the customer or user, in the event a future project requires files previously submitted. Any files stored by Mars Premedia for this or any other purpose remain the exclusive property of the customer or user and are never shared with any third party.
If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, reach us via our contact page.